Executive project of the Cyclable itineraries in Mira-sol

This project starts with the studies of Cyclable itineraries of Mira-sol, in which it proposes a network of cyclable itineraries that connect the general Hospital, Can Cabassa, Mas Gener, the FGC station of Mira-sol and the schools Catalunya, Can Mates Hill and Ciutat d’Alba.

In this first phase, it is proposed to execute the connections between Can Cabassa and the Catalunya school and the itineraries around the Turó de Can Mates school and the FGC station of Mira-sol, which are signposted as shared pavements .

When choosing the most appropriate solution for each section, it has been taken into account that, as it is about school environments, you should always opt for segregated solutions for the traffic of private vehicles, so that you can offer a level of security suitable for new users.